2023 MLAW Legislative Agenda - Final Report



Our work continues, and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Prince George's County Chapter membership led by our Public Policy & Advocacy Committee will continue to push for key legislation be passed that benefits and creates equity for women and girls, especially Black women and girls.

In the state of Maryland, BIPOC women are significantly disproportionally impacted by current or non-existing laws that product reproductive rights, access to healthcare, protection against intimate partner crimes, fair wages, and so much more!



HB 148/SB 328 ▪ Criminal Law – Stalking – Definition Alters the definition of stalking to include conduct that occurs in person, through electronic communication, or through the use of a device that can pinpoint or track the location of another without the person’s knowledge or consent. PASSED.  Signed by the Governor.

HB 296/SB 280 ▪ Temporary Protective Orders – Electronic Filing and Video Conferencing Hearings Enables a petitioner receiving medical treatment at a hospital to electronically file a petition for a temporary protective order while at the hospital and requires hospitals to refer petitioners to certain programs.  It also enables a petitioner to electronically file a petition for a temporary protective order from certain programs and centers.  It also requires a court that receives an electronically filed petition to hold a hearing through video conferencing either the same or next business day. PASSED.  Signed by the Governor. 

HB 937/CH 56/SB 890 ▪ Abortion Care Access Act Establishes the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program in the Maryland Department of Health to ensure that there are a sufficient number of health professionals to provide abortion care, including physicians, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives/certified midwives, and physician assistants.  Establishes the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Fund, including provision and coverage requirements for abortion services for the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers (no deductible, coinsurance, copayment or other cost-sharing required).  Requires the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $3,500,000 to the Program. PASSED.  Vetoed by the Governor but overridden by the General Assembly.

SB 275/CH 48/HB 8 ▪ Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022) Establishes the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to provide benefits to individuals who take leave from employment for certain purposes (e.g., new children, family members with serious health conditions or disabilities, or themselves).  Establishes the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund, requiring that beginning October 1, 2023, certain employees, employers (over 15 employees), and self-employed individuals to contribute to the Fund.  It also requires the Secretary to establish the total rate of contribution and the percentages of the total rate of contribution to be paid by employees and employers. PASSED.  Vetoed by the Governor but overridden by the General Assembly. 


HB 153 ▪ Criminal Law – Sexual Crimes – Repeal of Spousal Defense/SB 33 ▪ Criminal Law – Sexual Crimes – Fourth-Degree Sexual Offense and Spousal Defense The original version of this bill would have repealed the law allowing marriage as a defense to sex crimes. Conference committee reached agreement but failed to make it to the floor of the Senate for a vote.

HB 454/SB 776 ▪ Correctional Services – Pregnancy and Postpartum Support (Prevention of Forced Infant Separation Act) This bill would have allowed incarcerated women in prerelease status to relocate to the prerelease unit for women throughout the duration of their pregnancy and allowed an inmate in prerelease status who recently gave birth to a child to reside in the in the prerelease unit for women up to one year following the birth.  It also provided for the father or secondary caretaker of a child residing in the prerelease unit liberal visitation with the child if legally allowed.  The bill established a Healthy Start Bonding Program to facilitate strong bonds between incarcerated women and their children. No vote in House Judiciary or Senate Judicial Proceedings Committees.

HB 626/SB 669 ▪ Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022 This bill would have prevented pregnant people or those who have experienced pregnancy loss or termination as well as individuals who assist or provide aid to pregnant people seeking abortion care from criminal penalties or civil liabilities.  No vote in House Health and Government Operations or Senate Judicial Proceedings Committees.

HB 833/SB768 ▪ Criminal Law – Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking – Safe Harbor and Service Response This bill would have provided a safe harbor for child victims of sex trafficking and prevent further victimization by connecting them to services and preventing criminal charges that are a direct result of their being a victim of sex or human trafficking. Conference committee reached agreement but failed to make it to the floor of the Senate for a vote.